I just thinking around 'How do i empathize people to take a bit of time in some website' this question just flowing in my head for a while and i didn't get answers. now i didn't found the answers yet, but this may be the way to get me through.
I was wasting my afternoon today to find some new wallpapers for my laptop in DeviantART. i see a lot of graphic thing and download some of them too. and what the point while i flowing around i just thought which kind of wallpaper that i love to. i found that i love the graphic that have kind of 'Abstract Techinicalism' and i thought people who live in the same way like me will love too. on that time i think what make me like that kind ?? ,then the time was passing by and then i got the answers when i watching 'The Bourne Ultimatum'
http://coleran.com/2009/05/25/the-bourne-ultimatum/ |
I realize that i love the Technicalism' kind cause i love to see how they use computer or many electronic device in the movie. the screen of computer on those kind of movie are very impress. they got the software that not exist in the real world and do something so amazing like seaching around a very huge database and report in the way that i never seen before. and then i got a question again 'who really do that ??'
i float around again to find who make those thing. i found that the people who name in the credit of the movie 'Visual Designer' were did it. of course there many designer that do something like that, but i found expecially one who name Mark Coleran.
http://coleran.com/2009/06/06/mr-mrs-smith/ |
I see his portfolio and found that he not just design the computer interface in 'Bourne' movie, but he did it in many movies that i was seen before like XXX, MI:3 and Mr and Mrs Smith for example
http://coleran.com/2009/05/25/the-bourne-ultimatum/ |
Back to the first question, i thought that the profile page for one person should came up with their image for purpose and then their name,work,address etc. but how can i make it different i thought that some of their information were really important on first seen like Picture,Name and Work/Studies. people will make decision on their mind when their finished scan the information that they really need to know. and the decision is how do i do next ? if they were interested in this profile they will find more information by read it more. or if they realize that this profile doesn't make a count. they will drop it of their mind.
http://coleran.com/2009/05/21/the-island/ |
I have learn that some important information on the profile page should be different to another information. but how do i differ it. i found that just color and font size can. people will intent to see the information that have bigger font size and if that wasn't get their attention enough. i will use the color that different from another information too.
That was all i said for now, but i realize eather that the interface design didn't easy like i thought. and now i know how to represent it like the way that 'Visual Designer' did.